Wishing all the fathers and caregivers out there a very happy Fathers Day. I hope you are able to spend the day as well as you can, in spite of the various lockdowns and restrictions that a lot of us are consigned to at present! With each year I see my own children grow and embark on the next stages of their lives. It is exciting to see where life takes them. They make us very proud, and I really believe that we are in very good hands with the ensuing generations who will move into positions of responsibility and influence. I consider myself very lucky to have had Lennie as my father. Such a kind and patient man who couldn't do enough for his offspring. It's marvellous that so many people were able to be enriched by his presence. We have all been inspired by his attitude to life - something I take with me everywhere.
As they say, never a day goes by when I don't think of him and how he would have addressed any circumstance. WWLD?
During this restricted time in Victoria, at least I have been able to embark on the next stages of acquiring a bushworthy vehicle to start heading out again after a few more domesticated years. There are plenty out there, although the great market forces of supply and demand have made prices skyrocket over the last year or so. Station wagon, dual cab, canopies, engines, suspension and tyre set ups, electrical set ups with new batteries and solar - there's some good gear out there these days. The trick is to keep costs down enough to have some leftover to actually get out there! When, of course, we can get out there. I'll keep exploring, and any suggestions and advice from experienced hands will be most welcome. In the meantime, I hope the coming months are kind to us all.
Gary Beadell
September 2021
The Beadell Family on top of Mount Beadell, 1977